Call for Workshop PapersPorto VTC Logo

Pictures of Porto




VTC2018-Spring Workshops provide invaluable opportunities for researchers and industry practitioners to share their state-of-the-art research and development results on specific areas or challenging topics. VTC attendees will be able to attend a workshop for a nominal additional fee. Registration packages for individual workshops without VTC will also be available.

The full paper version of accepted workshop papers will be published in the VTC2018-Spring conference proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore (conditional on presentation by one of the authors at the workshop).

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See below for each workshop's submission link and deadline. All papers should follow the IEEE conference template:

Important dates for all Workshops

Submit all workshop papers for review by:

See below

Acceptance notices sent:

19 February 2018

Final papers due:

28 February 2018

Early conference registration ends: 14 May 2018
Hotel registration ends: Register now


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