Download the PDF Call for Tutorials
Proposal submission deadline: CLOSED
Notification of acceptance: 10 December 2012
Tutorials provide opportunities for researchers from the academia and the industry to learn about the state-of-the-art research and development
from experts in a given field. The IEEE VTC2013-Spring Technical Program Committee invites submission of tutorial proposals for half-day
presentation on topics of interest to the conference, such as (but not limited to):
- Cloud Computing/social networks
- Energy harvesting for wireless networks
- Communications and networking for smart grid
- Device-to-device communications
- Physical layer security (PLS)
- Broadband mobile multimedia
- Location based services (LBS)
- Interference alignment
- Distributed antenna
- LTE advance HetNet (FemNet)
- Multi-cell cooperation (LTE advanced CoMP)
- Vehicle-to-vehicle communications
For topics outside these focus areas, please, consult with the respective tutorial chairs prior to a proposal submission.
Send an email to the Tutorials Co-chairs, Pascal Lorenz & Dong In Kim at and include the following:
Email subject: VTC2013-Spring Tutorial Proposal
Body includes:
--Name of presenter(s) and affiliation(s)
--Working tutorial title
--BRIEF description of pertinence to VTC audiences (50 words MAX)
Full proposal details will be requested after initial contact, to be collected online via a web form (required for all proposals). After the initial communication, the Tutorials Chair will provide a link for submitting the full proposal.
Final deadline for proposal submissions: CLOSED
Tutorial Chairs:
Pascal Lorenz (Univ. of Haute Alsace)
Dong In Kim (Sunkyunkwan University)