- Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks
Medium access control; Routing and transport protocols; Cross-layer protocol design; Performance and quality-of-service; Energy management; Information Processing and aggregation; Middleware and programming; Simulation and emulation; Test-bed deployment and experiences; Delay-tolerant networks (DTN); Internet of Things; Self-organization, self-configuration and adaptation; Topology construction, reconfigurability and control; Fault Tolerance; Data storage and allocation; Traffic scheduling; Admission control; Localization - Antennas, Propagation, and RF Design
Prediction and simulation; Propagation channel measurements; Channel estimation; Narrowband and wideband channel characterization and modeling; Multi-antenna propagation channels; Ultra-wideband propagation; Antenna design and characterization; RF subsystems; Digital RF; Wideband/cognitive RF systems - Cognitive Radio and Spectrum Sensing
Spectrum sensing; Cooperative sensing; Spectrum measurements; Spectrum aggregation; Dynamic spectrum access; Spectrum mobility; Spectrum policies; Cognitive radio networks; Cognitive radio protocols and algorithms; MIMO/OFDM-based cognitive radio; Co-existence of primary and secondary networks; Interference management; Cognitive radio prototypes; Game theory for cognitive radio networks; Characterization of cognitive wireless networks; Applications of cognitive radio networks for e.g., heterogeneous networks; Spectrum database (or geolocation database); Energy-efficient spectrum sensing; Cognitive in highly time-variant networks; Radio environment modeling; Algorithms for TV whitespace usage - Cooperative Communications, Distributed MIMO and Relaying
Distributed beamforming and space-time coding; Coordinated Multi-Point; Inter-cell Interference-coordination; Advanced relaying; Network coding for cooperative communications; Cooperative multiple access; Scheduling and resource allocation for cooperative communications; Cooperative routing; PHY and MAC layer design for cooperative wireless networks; Game theory for cooperative and distributed networks; Characterization and modeling of cooperative communications; Knowledge acquisition and information sharing in cooperative wireless networks; Mobility in the context of cooperative communication; Energy-efficient cooperative communications; Multi-RAT cooperation; Cooperative Car-2-X communication; Cooperation in very dense networks; Efficient signaling for cooperative communications; Radio-over-Fiber techniques; Cloud-RAN; Multi-hop cellular management - Connected Vehicles
Vehicular network applications and services; Switching and routing for mobile context; Mobility management; HOF failure models; Mobility models for vehicular networks; Mobility estimation; Mobility in dense networks; IP mobility; Cloud-mobility; IMS; Quality-of-Experience. Real time services; Context aware service and applications; Information distribution services; Location-based services; Broadband Internet services; Multimedia applications and messaging; Service architectures and middleware; Service creation; Digital convergence; IPTV and DMB applications and services; Ubiquitous computing applications and services; Mobile e-Commerce; Mobile web-based applications and services; - Multiple Antenna Systems and Services
Smart antennas; Array processing; MIMO antenna systems; Space-time coding; MIMO precoding; Multi-user MIMO; MIMO receiver design; Implementations and prototypes; MIMO systems performance; Interference rejection algorithms; MIMO antenna systems for in-vehicle and wireless vehicular communication (V2X) applications; MIMO for very short range communication; MIMO for fixed-line communication; Energy-efficient MIMO systems; Diversity-multiplexing trade-off; MIMO antenna system integration; Beamforming; Very large antenna arrays (massive MIMO communications); MIMO in standards (IEEE, 3GPP); Filter design for MIMO antenna systems - Satellite Networks and Positioning Technologies
Mobile satellite communication systems (satcom on the move); Digital broadcasting over satellite networks; IP over satellite; Satellite on-board-processing; Broadband over satellite; Channel models for satellite communications; Localization and Navigation Satellite and terrestrial navigation and positioning techniques; Integrated positioning and communication; Cellular based - Transmission Technologies and Communication Theory
Modulation; (Joint) source/channel coding; Performance analysis; Channel estimation; Iterative processing; Interference mitigation; Multi-user detection; Equalization; Synchronization; Adaptive modulation and coding; Ultra wideband systems; Multi-carrier and OFDM systems; Physical layer security; Multi-user diversity; Multiple access; New air interfaces; Multicast/Broadcast; PHY-layer coexistence of multiple radio access techniques; Novel physical layer techniques; 60GHz communication; Power line communications; Energy efficient PHY; CDMA and multi-carrier CDMA; Capacity and fundamental limits; Visible light communication; Near-field communication; Impulse radio - Transportation, Vehicular Electronics, and Telematics
Intelligent transportation systems; Railroad signaling; Communication and control; Vehicle traction power control/conversion; Vehicle power systems; Vehicle stability controls; Engine control modules; Safety control systems; In-car electronics and embedded integration; Digital maps and location technologies; Drive-by-wire controls; Tire-pressure monitoring; HCCI controls; Electromagnetic valve controls; Smart speed controls; Wireless/mobile system applications for transportation control and routing; Mobile/wireless systems for transportation logistics; Wireless/mobile systems for vulnerable road users; Emulation/simulation of ITS applications; Multi-channel / multi-transceiver / multi-antenna wireless communication for vehicular communication; Wireless/mobile systems for multi-modal transportation; Sensor networks for urban sensing; Heterogeneous communication infrastructure planning for ITS; ; Prototype and field tests; Traffic safety and efficiency applications; Wireless/mobile systems for on-board and road-side transportation surveillance; ITS applications Green ITS navigation for people and freight; Fundamental application requirements; Interaction between intra- and inter-vehicular communications; Car-to-Car applications; Car-to-Car security; Mobility support; Networked car; Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks - Cellular Networks
3G/3.5G/4G (UMTS WCDMA, HSPA, CDMA2000, 1x EV-DO, TD-SCDMA); 3GPP long-term evolution (LTE and LTE-Advanced); IEEE long-term evolution (WiMAX, Wireless MAN-Advanced); Wireless PANs, LANs, MANs and WANs (e.g. IEEE802.15, 11,16, 20); DVB and DAB systems; Multiple access; Access techniques for MIMO-based networks including massive MIMO; New air interfaces; Radio resource management including heterogeneous and small-cell networks; MAC/PHY cross-layer design; Power control algorithms; Wireless multicasting; Channel and power allocation; Coexistence of multiple radio access techniques; Multi-hop cellular management, scheduling and statistical multiplexing; Context-aware and ambient access protocols; Hybrid optical-wireless networks; Performance evaluation - Wireless Network Security
Security and privacy in networks, the Internet, cloud computing and smart grid; Cross-layer methods for enhancing security; Information-theoretic security; Secure routing and network management; Intrusion detection; Ensuring the availability of communications and survivability of networks in the presence of denial of service; Jamming and jamming-resistance; Resource management; Middleware; IMS; Cross-layer design; - Next Generation Wireless Networks
Intra-body communications; Non-traditional networks formed by galvanic/capacitive coupling/ultrasound; Wireless Body Area Networks; Nano-Electromagnetic communications; 5G and beyond; Ultra High-capacity wireless access networks; TeraHz band networks and applications; Ambient energy harvesting and scavenging; Green communication; Advances on full-duplex wireless systems; Small Cell Wireless Networks and ultra dense deployments; Emerging wireless systems for smart spaces and smart cities; Machine-to-Machine wireless communications; Emerging wireless systems for smart grids; Spectrum, network and energy efficiency in cloud-RAN; Software Defined wireless Networks (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) for Wireless Access Networks; Resource management for SDN or NFV-based wireless networks; Network and service monitoring for SDN or NFV-based wireless networks; Availability and resilience of SDN or NFV-based wireless networks; Dynamic resource scaling based on user mobility in SDN and NFV-based systems - Emerging Technologies: Cloud Computing
Trends and challenges of cloud computing; Cloud computing architectures; Innovative cloud applications; Optimization for cloud computing, networking and applications; Fault tolerance and cloud network service resiliency; PHY, MAC, routing and transport protocols for cloud networks; Network Virtualization and Software Defined Networking for cloud computing; Intra/Inter-cloud computing and networking; Energy-efficient and green cloud networking; Mobile cloud networking and mobile network offloading; Mobile cloud and virtualization architectures; Modeling and performance evaluation of mobile cloud and virtualization; QoS provisioning and resource management in mobile cloud computing; Big data and networking; Data Center network architectures, modeling and virtualization; Network management, reliability and optimization of Data Centers; Cloud traffic engineering; Security and privacy issues for cloud computing and networking; Pricing and billing for cloud computing and virtualization services; Standards, policies, and regulations for mobile cloud and virtualization; Cloud experimental test-beds and implementations; Cloud testing and evaluation tools. - Emerging Technologies: Light-based Communications and Positioning
Light-based positioning, tracking, ranging; IR and laser-based techniques; visible light communications (VLC); optical modulation formats; indoor navigation; relative positioning; light-based beaconing; camera communications; image-based positioning systems; trilateration and triangulation using light. - Emerging Technologies: 3.5GHz Spectrum Re-allocation Opportunities
The FCC will soon release the 3.5 GHz band in the US for spectrum sharing between federal and commercial users with a tiered access approach. This band is the first to implement the federal sharing mechanism called out by the 2012 PCAST report that calls for unto 1 GHz of spectrum for spectrum sharing between federal and commercial users on a prioritized basis using database management. This track will discuss the challenges ahead in the deployment of this band from regulatory, business, and engineering perspectives. - Recent Results and Short Papers
This track focuses on recent results in, and short papers on, all areas pertinent to VTC
VTC2015-Fall is organized into 16 tracks covering all relevant technical areas: