CommitteesChicago VTC Logo

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Organizing Committee
Honorary Chair Marty Cooper Father of the Cell Phone and Communications Visionary
General Chair Dennis Roberson Roberson and Associates, USA
Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
TPC Chair Oliver Holland King's College London, UK
TPC Co-chairs Octavia Dobre Memorial University, Canada
Miguel Sepulcre Ribes Universidad Miguel Hernandez de Elche, Spain
Plenary and Panels Chair Randy Berry Northwestern University, USA
Industry Program Chair Jim Budwey IEEE VTS, USA
Industry Program Co-chair Alvin Chin BMW Group, USA
Workshops Co-chairs Takayuki Shimizu TOYOTA InfoTechnology Center, USA
Nuria Gonzalez Prelcic University of Texas at Austin, USA
Tutorials Chair Beeshanga Abewardana Jayawickrama University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Local Arrangements Chair Cynthia Hood Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
Publicity Chair M. Carmen Lucas-EstaƱ Universidad Miguel Hernandez de Elche, Spain
Patronage and Exhibits Chair Dennis Budwey ICTS Group, USA
Finance Chair J. R. Cruz The University of Oklahoma, USA
Publications Chair James Irvine University of Strathclyde, UK
Conference Administrators Jim Budwey ICTS Group, USA
R. Clint Keele IEEE VTS, USA


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