Call for Papers
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The WiVec Symposium seeks original papers - not published or currently under review for another workshop, conference, or journal - in the area of vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V), vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I), and vehicle-to-person (V2P) wireless communications. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
- RF technologies, antenna design, physical layer and propagation models.
- Radio resource management and interference management.
- Spectrum assignment and EMC regulations.
- Architecture, networking protocols (including ad-hoc, routing, data dissemination, etc) and their evalutation.
- QoS and cross-layer optimization design.
- Communications systems and technologies.
- Testbeds and simulation platforms.
- Interworking with sensor network technologies.
- In-car electronics and embedded integration of wireless vehicular communications.
- Roadside infrastructure.
- Mobility management, mobility and vehicle traffic models.
- Digital maps and location technologies.
- Decision and control issues.
- Human-Machine Interface.
- Applications (Ecall, toll collection, traffic information, wireless diagnosis etc.).
- Security, liability and privacy.
- Standards development, business models, policies (e.g., Cooperative aspects of vehicular communication).
- Assessment of impact on transport efficiency and safety.
- Scalability issues in metropolitan-wide vehicular networks.
Authors are encouraged to submit full length papers (maximum 5 pages) following the submission guidelines provided at http://wivec2007.trackchair
Important Dates
Acceptance notification: 28 May 2007
Camera-ready papers: 8 June 2007
All accepted papers will be published on the IEEE Xplore database. A
selection of the best five WiVeC papers will be published in a special issue
of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine (