5G mmWave FWL Access: Challenges and Opportunities in Achieving High Bit Rates and Reliable Coverage
Monday, 4 June 2018, 9:45–10:30 (Porto Room)
Reinaldo A. Valenzuela, Director, Nokia Bell Labs, USA
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The increasing availability of exciting media rich content, advanced multimedia applications and the arrival of augmented and virtual reality ensure the continued explosive growth in the demand for high bit rates and reliable coverage. 5G is intended to address this need by opening up the vast spectrum available at mmWave frequencies. At the same time, services providers will need reliable RF planning tools to verify that the rates users demand are available in at least 90% of the intended coverage area with a high degree of confidence. I will describe the opportunities and challenges in this crucial topic with particular mention of the of appropriate channel sounder design, needed measurement campaigns. Then, I will review data already collected, corresponding models and preliminary systems RF system designs achieving the stated goals. Biography—Reinaldo A. Valenzuela: Member National Academy of Engineering, Fellow IEEE. IEEE Eric E. Sumner Award. Bell Labs Fellow. WWRF Fellow, 2014 IEEE CTTC Technical Achievement Award, 2015 IEEE VTS Avant Garde Award. B.Sc. U. of Chile, Ph.D. Imperial College. Director, Communication Theory Department, Distinguished Member of Technical Staff, Bell Laboratories. Engaged in propagation measurements and models, MIMO/space time systems achieving high capacities using transmit and receive antenna arrays, HetNets, small cells and next generation air interface techniques and architectures. He has published 190 papers and 44 patents. He has over 26,000 Google Scholar citations and is a 'Highly Cited Author' In Thomson ISI and a Fulbright Senior Specialist. |
Welcome Address by the Secretary of State for Industry
Tuesday, 5 June 2018, 9:00–9:15 (Porto Room)
Ana Teresa Lehmann, Secretary of State for Industry, Portugal
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Biography—Ana Lehmann, Secretary of State for Industry of the Portuguese Government. Before taking office in July 2017, she developed a strongly focused international career of two decades spanning academia, public policy and executive positions in over twenty public and private organizations. |
From Connected Cars to Autonomous Vehicles: A Network Perspective
Tuesday, 5 June 2018, 9:40–10:30 (Porto Room)
João Barros, Founder and CEO, Veniam
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It is a well-known fact that today only a small fraction of the world’s cars, roughly 6%, are connected to the Internet. This sCobering reality is about to change dramatically, as auto OEMs jump start the production of connected cars to reach more than 80 million units per annum by 2021. At the same time, the advent of artificial intelligence and the autonomous vehicle invites us to re-imagine the automobile as much more than a machine that carries people and goods. By generating and consuming massive amounts of data, the autonomous vehicle promises to re-shape not just the way we experience mobility but the means by which we enable cities to become smarter, more sustainable and more human. Whereas the challenge of teaching vehicles to drive themselves has drawn dozens of companies into a worldwide race, very few are addressing the key challenge of teaching the vehicles to form a wireless network and communicate with the cloud in a secure and scalable way. Drawing from more than 60 Million kms of real-world data and ongoing projects with the automotive industry, this keynote will highlight how the future mobility ecosystem forces us to rethink our communication platforms and find new ways for vehicles to become the network. Biography—An award-winning wireless engineer, academic leader and passionate entrepreneur, João loves to turn complex theorems and algorithms into products and services that can make a real difference in people's lives. After more than a decade developing new wireless networking technologies at Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Universidade do Porto, MIT, and Carnegie Mellon, João founded two venture-backed startups, Streambolico and Veniam, where he serves as board director and CEO respectively. His work has led to 160 science and technology papers, as well as feature articles by NPR, BBC, MIT Technology Review, The Atlantic, and TechCrunch. |
Smart Cities and ICT Enabling Technologies
Wednesday, 6 June 2018, 9:15–9:45 (Porto Room)
Vladimiro Feliz, Head of Smart Cities & ICT Director, CEiiA, Portugal
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Biography—Vladimiro Mota Cardoso Feliz is ICT Director and leads the Smart Cities Unit at CEiiA. He was born in December 1973 and is a graduate in Mechanical Engineering (Industrial Management and Engineering option) by Universidade do Porto. |
New Value Creation by 5G Future X Network
Wednesday, 6 June 2018, 9:45–10:30 (Porto Room)
Simone Redana, Head Mobile Network Arch. & Systems Research Group, Nokia Bell Labs, Germany
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5G is the first generation of mobile networks that is by design addressing the wide range of needs of the vertical industries. 5G offers unlimited mobile broadband experience, provides massive connectivity for everything from human held smart devices to sensors and machines, and most importantly, it has the ability to support critical machine communication with instant action and ultra-high reliability. First 5G specifications are available with 3GPP Rel.15 but further enhancements and optimization are needed to design a 5G System that meets the requirements from the vertical industries. This talk will share what can be achieved with 3GPP Rel.15 and give the perspective of what needs still to be done in research and standardization in the next releases. Biography—Dr. Simone Redana is Head of Network & Architecture Research Group in Nokia Bell Labs and Chairman of the 5GPPP Architecture Working Group. His research interests are on novel architecture solutions for 5G era and 5G business acceleration for verticals. |