All tutorials will be held on Sunday, 18 September 2016.
8:30 – 12:00, Room: Fontaine D
T1: Stochastic Geometry-Based Modeling and Analysis of 5G Wireless Networks
Presented by: Ekram Hossain, IEEE Fellow, Professor, University of Manitoba, Canada
Time: 8:30–12:00
Room: Fontaine D
Abstract—Recently, stochastic geometry models have been shown to provide tractable and accurate performance bounds for cellular wireless networks including multi-tier and cognitive cellular networks, underlay device-to-device (D2D) communications, energy harvesting-based communication, coordinated multipoint transmission (CoMP) transmissions, full-duplex (FD) communications, etc. These technologies will enable the evolving fifth generation (5G) cellular networks. Stochastic geometry, the theory of point processes in particular, can capture the location-dependent interactions among the coexisting network entities. It provides a rich set of mathematical tools to model and analyze cellular networks with different types of cells (e.g., macro cell, micro cell, pico cell, or femto cell) with different characteristics, in terms of several key performance indicators such as SINR coverage probability, link capacity, and network capacity. This tutorial will provide an extensive overview of the stochastic geometry modeling approaches for next-generation cellular networks, and the state-of-the-art research on this topic. After motivating the requirement for spatial modeling for the evolving 5G cellular networks, the basics of stochastic geometry modeling tools and the related mathematical preliminaries will be discussed. Then, a comprehensive survey on the literature related to stochastic geometry models for single-tier as well as multi-tier and cognitive cellular networks and underlay D2D communications will be presented. Then, a taxonomy of the stochastic geometry modeling approaches based on the target network model, the point process used, and the performance evaluation technique will be discussed.
Enabling technologies for the evolving 5G cellular networks
Requirement for spatial modeling of 5G networks and different modeling approaches
Basics of point processes and interference modeling in large-scale wireless networks
Taxonomy of existing techniques for SINR modeling and performance evaluation in cellular networks
Stochastic geometry modeling of large-scale single and multi-tier cellular networks (HetNets)
Stochastic geometry modeling of cognitive small cells in HetNets
Stochastic geometry modeling of model selection and power control for D2D communications
Open research problems in stochastic geometry modeling of cellular networks
- Overview of 5G Cellular Networks and Spatial Modeling Techniques
- Multi-tier cellular networks, cognitive cellular and D2D communication, energy harvesting-based communication
- Network design and operation cycle
- Key performance indicators (KPIs): SINR outage/coverage, average rate, transmission capacity
- SINR modeling techniques
- Stochastic geometry modeling
- Point Process and Interference Modeling
- Point processes (PPP, clustered processes, repulsive processes)
- Campbell theorem and probability generating functional
- Neyman Scott process: Matern cluster process and modified Thomas cluster process
- Laplace transform of the pdf of interference
- Performance Evaluation Techniques
- Technique #1: Rayleigh fading assumption
- Technique #2: Region bounds and dominant interferers
- Technique #3: Fitting
- Technique #4: Plancherel-Parseval theorem
- Technique #5: Inversion
- Modeling Large-Scale Single and Multi-Tier Cellular Networks
- Modeling downlink transmissions
- Modeling uplink transmissions
- Single-tier networks with frequency reuse
- Biasing and load balancing
- Optimal deployment of BSs
- Large-scale multiple-input multiple-output cellular systems
- Modeling Cognitive Small Cells in Multi-Tier Cellular Networks
- Spectrum sensing range and spectrum reuse efficiency
- Spectrum access schemes by cognitive small cells
- Network modeling
- Outage probability (channel outage and SINR outage) analysis for downlink transmissions in cognitive small cells
- Modeling Mode Selection and Power Control for Underlay D2D Communication
- Biasing-based mode selection and channel inversion power control for underlay D2D communication
– Network modeling and stochastic geometry analysis - Cognitive and energy harvesting-based D2D communication
– Network modeling and stochastic geometry analysis - Open Issues and Future Research Directions
Primary Audience
This tutorial will be of interest to graduate students, researchers, and engineers from both the communications and networking community who are interested in next-generation cellular wireless networks (including multi-tier/small cell networks/HetNets, D2D communication, and cognitive radio systems)
The topic is very timely and to my knowledge similar tutorials were not presented before in VTC. With increasing interest in the use of stochastic geometry tools for performance modeling and analysis of large-scale cellular wireless networks (which is quite evident from the recent publications in different IEEE journals and conferences), the tutorial is expected to attract a good crowd of attendees.
Ekram Hossain (F’15) is currently a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada. His current research interests include modeling, design, and analysis of wireless networks with emphasis on 5G cellular networks, cooperative and cognitive wireless systems, and green radio communications. He is an author/editor of several books in these areas. He has been selected as a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society for the term 2016-2017.
T2: Green Heterogeneous Wireless Networks by Muhammad Ismail, Erchin Serpedin, and Khalid Qaraqe, Texas A&M University at Qatar and USA has been cancelled
8:30 – 12:00, Room: Fontaine E
T3: Rate Splitting for MIMO Wireless Networks: A Promising PHY-Layer Strategy for 5G
Presented by: Bruno Clerckx, Hamdi Joudeh, Imperial College London, UK
Time: 8:30–12:00
Room: Fontaine E
Abstract—MIMO processing plays a central part towards the recent increase in spectral efficiencies of wireless networks. MIMO has grown beyond the original point-to-point channel and nowadays refers to a diverse range of centralized and distributed deployments. The fundamental bottleneck towards enormous spectral efficiencies in multiuser MIMO networks lies in a huge demand for accurate channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT). This has become increasingly difficult to satisfy due to the increasing number of antennas and access points in 5G networks relying on dense heterogeneous networks and transmitters equipped with a large number of antennas. CSIT inaccuracy results in a multi-user interference problem that is the primary bottleneck of MIMO wireless networks. Looking backward, the problem has been to strive to apply techniques designed for perfect CSIT to scenarios with imperfect CSIT. This tutorial departs from this conventional approach and introduces the audience to a promising strategy based on rate-splitting. Rate-splitting relies on the transmission of common messages (decoded by multiple users) and private messages (decoded by their corresponding users). This strategy is shown to provide significant benefits in terms of spectral efficiencies, reliability and CSI feedback overhead reduction over conventional strategies used in LTE-A and exclusively relying on private messages. The benefits of rate-splitting will be further demonstrated in a wide range of scenarios: multi-user MIMO, massive MIMO, multi-cell MIMO, overloaded systems, Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA), multigroup multicast and caching. Open problems, impact on standard specifications and operational challenges will also be discussed.
- Introduction to MIMO networks: Point-to-Point, Multi-user, Multi-cell, Massive
- The fundamental role of (imperfect) Channel State Information at the Transmitter for interference management in MIMO networks
- Limitations of 4G architecture and current 5G approaches and motivation for a new PHY layer
- Introduction to Rate Splitting
- Design and optimization of Rate Splitting
- Potentials of Rate Splitting in various scenarios: multi-user MIMO, massive MIMO, multi-cell MIMO, overloaded systems, Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA), multigroup multicast, caching
- Rate Splitting in 5G standardization
- Open problems and future challenges
- Introduction to MIMO networks, interference management and 4G design (15min)
- Point to point MIMO
- Multi-user MIMO
- Multi-cell MIMO and HetNets
- Massive MIMO
- Interference Management
- Problem of current 4G and emerging 5G architecture (15min)
- LTE-A performance and limitations: MU-MIMO, CoMP, HetNets
- Motivation for a new physical layer
- Fundamentals of Rate Splitting (50min)
- Interference Channel
- Broadcast Channel with imperfect CSIT
- Performance Limits and Degrees of Freedom
- Sum-Rate Enhancement and CSI Feedback Reduction
- Transceiver Optimization of Rate-Splitting (25min)
- Multiple receive antennas
- Massive MIMO
- Multi-Cell MIMO
- Multigroup Multicast
- Caching
- Rate-Splitting in 5G (15min)
- Standardization issues and efforts
- Future Challenges (10min)
Primary Audience
This tutorial is aimed at PhD students, researchers, and engineers in academia and industry interested in the lower layers of wireless communication systems and in particular the design of 5G physical layer. The tutorial is designed to be accessible for anyone with a background in at least one of the following areas: wireless communication, communication theory, MIMO, interference management, signal processing for communication.
Rate Splitting is an emerging paradigm in wireless networks that is in its infancy. Through rate splitting and the transmission of common and private message, MIMO networks move away from conventional unicast-only transmission to superimposed unicast multicast transmission.
The tutorial is given by experts with a diverse range of expertise, including years of research experience in academia and in industry (on designing and defining 4G specifications in 3GPP and IEEE 802.16m) and familiar with latest advances in academic and industrial research.
Bruno Clerckx is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department at Imperial College London (London, United Kingdom). He received his M.S. and Ph.D. degree in applied science from the Université catholique de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium) in 2000 and 2005, respectively. From 2006 to 2011, he was with Samsung Electronics (Suwon, South Korea) where he actively contributed to 3GPP LTE/LTE-A and IEEE 802.16m and acted as the rapporteur for the 3GPP Coordinated Multi-Point (CoMP) Study Item. Since 2011, he has been with Imperial College London, first a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) and now as a Senior Lecturer. Since March 2014, he also occupies an Associate Professor position at Korea University, Seoul, Korea. He also held visiting research positions at Stanford University (CA, USA), EURECOM (Sophia-Antipolis, France) and National University of Singapore (Singapore).
He is the author of 2 books, 110 peer-reviewed international research papers, 150 standard contributions and the inventor of 75 issued or pending patents among which 15 have been adopted in the specifications of 4G (3GPP LTE/LTE-A and IEEE 802.16m) standards. Dr. Clerckx served as an editor for IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS from 2011-2015 and is currently an editor for IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS. His area of expertise is communication theory and signal processing for wireless networks.
Hamdi Joudeh is a post-doctoral research associate in the Communications and Signal Processing (CSP) Group, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Imperial College London. He obtained his BSc in Electrical Engineering from the Islamic University of Gaza in 2010 and his MSc and PhD in Communications and Signal Processing from Imperial College London in 2011 and 2016, respectively. During the autumn of 2011, he was with the Mobile Communication Division at Samsung Electronics, Suwon, South Korea, as an engineering intern. His research interests include signal processing and optimization for wireless communication systems, and communication theory.
13:30 – 17:00, Room: Fontaine E
T4: Non-orthogonal Multiple Access: Evolution towards 5G and B5G Cellular Networks
Presented by: Zhiguo Ding, Chair Professor, Lancaster University, UK
Time: 13:30–17:00
Room: Fontaine E
Abstract—Multiple access in 5G mobile networks is an emerging research topic, since it is key for the next generation network to keep pace with the exponential growth of mobile data and multimedia traffic. Non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) has recently received considerable attention as a promising candidate for 5G multiple access. The key idea of NOMA is to exploit the power domain for multiple access, which means multiple users can be served concurrently at the same time, frequency, and spreading code. Instead of using water-filling power allocation strategies, NOMA allocates more power to the users with poorer channel conditions, with the aim to facilitate a balanced tradeoff between system throughput and user fairness. Recent industrial demonstrations show that the use of NOMA can significantly improve the spectral efficiency of mobile networks. Because of such a superior performance, NOMA has been also recently proposed for downlink scenarios in 3rd generation partnership project long-term evolution (3GPP-LTE) systems, and the considering technique was termed multiuser superposition transmission (MUST). In this tutorial, we will provide a progress review for NOMA, including an information theoretic perspective of NOMA, the interaction between cognitive radio and NOMA, the design of MIMO and cooperative NOMA, and the impact of practical constraints, such as imperfect channel state information and limited feedback, on the performance of NOMA.
1. Review for the overall requirements to realize spectrally efficient 5G communications.
2. The tutorial will start by introducing the basic concepts of NOMA in a simple scenario with one base station and multiple users, where each node is equipped with a single antenna. The performance gain of NOMA will be illustrated from an information theoretic perspective.
3. The interaction between the two 5G concepts, NOMA and cognitive ratio networks will be illustrated. On one hand, NOMA can be viewed as a special case of cognitive radio networks, which means that many solutions obtained from cognitive radio networks, particularly power allocation polices, can be applied to NOMA. On the other hand, the application of NOMA in cognitive radio networks can ensure secondary users are admitted in a more spectrally efficient way.
4. The combination of MIMO technologies and NOMA will be described. Unlike conventional multiple access techniques, the design of MIMO-NOMA is challenging. For example, power allocation of NOMA requires a step to order users according to their channel conditions. This user ordering is possible for SISO cases since it is easy to compare scalar channel coefficients, but it is difficult in MIMO scenarios in the presence of channel matrices/vectors. A few designs of MIMO-NOMA with different trade-offs between system performance and complexity will be illustrated.
5. The design of cooperative NOMA will be discussed. Note that in an NOMA system, successive interference cancellation is used, which means that some users know the other users’ information perfectly. Such priori information should be used, e.g., some users can be exploited as relays to help the others with poorer channel conditions. A few examples of cooperative NOMA protocols will be introduced and their advantages/disadvantages will be illustrated.
6. The impact of channel state information (CSI) on the performance of NOMA will be investigated. Three types of CSI assumptions will be focused. The first is the case with imperfect channel state information, which introduces an error floor to the probability of detection. The second is that the base station knows the statistical information about CSI, and particularly we will focus on the case when the path loss is known perfectly at the transmitter. The third is the case with limited feedback, such as one or finite bits feedback. The trade-off of performance and complexity realized by these CSI types will be illustrated and compared.
7. Recent standardization activities related to NOMA will be provided as well. Particularly the tutorial will focus on the implementation of multi-user superposition transmission (MUST), a technique which has been included into 3GPP LTE Release 13. Different forms of MUST, and their relationship to the fundamental form of NOMA will be discussed.
8. Challenges and open problems about realizing spectrally efficient NOMA communications in the next generation of wireless networks will be discussed.
- Overview and Motivation
- The Design of NOMA in SISO Scenarios
- SISO-NOMA with Randomly Deployed Users
- The Impact of User Pairing on NOMA
- Cooperative NOMA
- Basics of Cooperative NOMA
- The Application of SWIPT to Cooperative NOMA
- Relay Selection for Cooperative NOMA
- Interplay Between Cognitive Radio and NOMA
- Cognitive Radio inspired NOMA
- Dynamic NOMA
- The Application of NOMA to Cognitive Radio Networks
- Motivations and Introductions
- MIMO-NOMA With Limited CSIT
- Massive MIMO-NOMA
- When Users’ Channels Are Similar
- Research Challenges and Future Directions
Primary Audience
In presenting the tutorial, all concepts are built up from basics therefore the audience only require a modest prior knowledge of communications and signal processing. Methods are then presented to adjust and engineer the system behaviours to improve the spectrum efficiency while quantitative vision is given on the corresponding costs of such changes. The analytical tools and concepts provided in this tutorial as well as the techniques and conclusions are in line with the objectives and interests of IEEE VTC attendees, such as telecommunication engineers, academic researchers and graduate students.
This tutorial presents a timely overview on achieving spectrally efficient communications, the holy grail of modern wireless communications, particularly for emerging 5G networks. Therefore, the tutorial will shed light on some fundamental challenges in designing such spectrally efficient networks from the system engineering perspective. In presenting the tutorial, all concepts are built up from basics therefore the audience only require a modest prior knowledge of communications and signal processing. Generic design guidelines are also provided for implementing NOMA in a general network architecture for 5G.
Zhiguo Ding received his B.Eng in Electrical Engineering from the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications in 2000, and the Ph.D degree in Electrical Engineering from Imperial College London in 2005. From Jul. 2005 to Aug. 2014, he was working in Queen’s University Belfast, Imperial College and Newcastle University. Since Sept. 2014, he has been with Lancaster University as a Chair Professor in Signal Processing. From Sept. 2012 to Sept. 2016, he is also an academic visitor in Princeton University working with Prof. Vincent Poor.
Dr Ding’ research interests are 5G networks, game theory, cooperative and energy harvesting networks and statistical signal processing. He is serving as an Editor for IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Networks, IEEE Wireless Communication Letters, IEEE Communication Letters, and Journal of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing. He was the TPC Co-Chair for the 6th IET International Conference on Wireless, Mobile & Multimedia Networks (ICWMMN2015), Symposium Chair for International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC 2016), and the 25th Wireless and Optical Communication Conference (WOCC), and Co-Chair of WCNC-2013 Workshop on New Advances for Physical Layer Network Coding. He received the best paper award in IET Comm. Conf. on Wireless, Mobile and Computing, 2009 and the 2015 International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP 2015), IEEE Communication Letter Exemplary Reviewer 2012, and the EU Marie Curie Fellowship 2012-2014.
T5: Enabling Technologies for Next Generation Mobile Communications
Presented by: Lajos Hanzo (University of Southampton, UK) and Lingyang Song (Peking University, China)
Time: 8:30–12:00
Room: Fontaine F
Abstract—Mobile data traffic, especially mobile video traffic and small-size IoT packets, has dramatically increased in recent years with the emergence of smart phones, tablets, and various new applications. It is hence crucial to increase network capacity to accommodate these bandwidth consuming applications and services. New technologies such as multicarrier communications, cooperative relaying, full-duplex radios, and device-to-device communication networks, have been recently introduced, such that the mobile users can obtain satisfactory services. The main of this tutorial is to present the basic concepts/theories, address research advances on key technologies, and deliver the state-of-the-art of research and development for next generation mobile communication systems.
The aim of the tutorial is to present the enabling concepts and technologies for the next generation communication systems, and the necessary analytical tools to study them (such as optimization and game theory). This tutorial will take a comprehensive and coordinated approach in presenting the ways of realizing the requirements for next general wireless systems. There are three main objectives of this tutorial:
The first objective is to provide a general introduction to next generation mobile communication and networking including the requirements, key working scenarios and major evolutionary techniques from physical to MAC and network layer issues.
The second objective is to illustrate how such shifting paradigm will affect the need of key technologies, and how such technologies work in the before mentioned representative scenarios.
The third objective is to present other state-of-the-art applications under the umbrella of next generation networking schemes. This will include classifications of the different schemes and the technical details in each scheme, such as D2D systems, wireless network visualization, etc.
- Basics - present the basics, challenges, recent progress, and open issues for next
- Background
- Challenges
- Key solutions
- Enabling Technologies - discuss the major technologies in detail to analyze and design next generation communication and networks:
- Multi-carrier transceivers
- Spatial modulation
- Cooperative relaying
- Non-coherent solutions
- Full-duplex communications
- Non-orthogonal multiple access
- Major Applications - present representative examples for adopting the before mentioned technologies:
- Wireless caching and network visualization
- Device-to-device communications and networks
Primary Audience
Whilst this overview is ambitious in terms of providing a research-oriented outlook, potential attendees require only a modest background in wireless networking and communications. The mathematical contents are kept to a minimum and a conceptual approach if adopted. Postgraduate students, researchers and signal processing practitioners as well as managers looking for cross-pollination of their experience with other topics may find the coverage of the presentation beneficial. The participants will receive the set of slides as supporting material and they may find the detailed mathematical analysis in the above-mentioned books.
As more and more new mobile multimedia rich services are becoming available to larger audiences, there is an ever increasing demand for higher data rate wireless communications as well as larger capacity networks. Emerging techniques, such as multicarrier communications, device-to-device communication networks, etc, have to be introduced, in which the mobile devices are able to obtain satisfactory services. This tutorial is to present the basic concepts, address research advances, and deliver the state-of-the-art development for next generation mobile communication systems.
Lajos Hanzo, Royal Society Wolfson Fellow, FREng, FIEEE, FIET, Fellow of EURASIP, DSc, received his degree in electronics in 1976 and his doctorate in 1983. In 2009 he was awarded the honorary doctorate ``Doctor Honaris Causa'' by the Technical University of Budapest. During his 40-year career in telecommunications he has held various research and academic posts in Hungary, Germany and the UK. Since 1986 he has been with the School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton, UK, where he holds the chair in telecommunications. He has successfully supervised 100+ PhD students, co-authored 20 John Wiley/IEEE Press books on mobile radio communications totalling in excess of 10 000 pages, published 1500+ research entries at IEEE Xplore, acted both as TPC and General Chair of IEEE conferences, presented keynote lectures and has been awarded a number of distinctions. Currently he is directing an academic research team, working on a range of research projects in the field of wireless multimedia communications sponsored by industry, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) UK, the European IST Programme and the Mobile Virtual Centre of Excellence (VCE), UK. He is an enthusiastic supporter of industrial and academic liaison and he offers a range of industrial courses. He is also a Governor of the IEEE VTS.
Lingyang Song received his PhD from the University of York, UK, in 2007, where he received the K. M. Stott Prize for excellent research. He worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Oslo, Norway, and Harvard University, until rejoining Philips Research UK in March 2008. In May 2009, he joined the School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, Peking University, China, as a full professor. He wrote 6 text books, and is co-inventor of a number of patents (standard contributions). He received eight paper awards in IEEE international conferences including IEEE WCNC 2012, ICC 2014, Globecom 2014, and ICC 2015. He is currently on the Editorial Board of IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. He is the recipient of 2012 IEEE Asia Pacific (AP) Young Researcher Award. Dr. Song is a senior member of IEEE, and IEEE ComSoc distinguished lecturer since 2015.
T6: Challenges and Development for 5G Wireless Network Security by Yi Qian, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA has been cancelled
T7: Fog Networks for Vehicular Applications and Low-Latency 5G IoT
Presented by: Hung-Yu Wei, National Taiwan Univ; Tao Zhang, Cisco Systems; Ai-Chun Pang, National Taiwan Univ
Time: 8:30–12:00
Room: Fontaine G
Abstract—Low-latency applications have been envisioned to play key roles in the 5G environments. The ultra low-latency operations of communications and computing enable many potential mission-critical IoT applications and thus have gained widespread attention. Emerging 5G services, such as Tactile Internet, intelligent transportation system, and augment reality, require low latency support from communications infrastructure. Providing low end-to-end latency communications require integrated system design approach. Pushing communication and computing processing to network edge leads lower latency. Fog networking is a promising approach to provide low-latency services. In this tutorial, we will first discuss some of the system architecture. Recent research advances in MEC (Mobile Edge Computing) and Fog-RAN (Fog-based Radio Access Network) applied computing paradigm along with the next generation RAN design to meet the low-latency application demands in 5G. Edge computing resource in RAN could be used to for low latency computation jobs. Moreover, diverse application requirements are expected in the 5G era. Flexible radio access network design is needed to serve mixed low-latency and delay-tolerant traffic. An adaptive Fog-RAN resource allocation scheme is proposed for efficient utilization of edge computing resource in diverse traffic scenarios. In the emerging mission-critical IoT services, secure system design will be very important. Additionally, we will discuss the security threats and countermeasures in the new Fog Networking paradigm. Secure fog networking design paradigm will be illustrated in the vehicular communications and intelligent transportation systems.
Low-latency applications have been envisioned to play key roles in the 5G environments. The ultra low-latency operations of communications and computing enable many potential mission-critical IoT applications and thus have gained widespread attention. Emerging 5G services, such as Tactile Internet, intelligent transportation system, augment reality, and other mission-critical IoT applications, require low latency support from communications infrastructure. Providing low end- to-end latency communications require integrated system design approach. Pushing communication and computing processing to network edge leads lower latency. Fog networking is a promising approach to provide low-latency services. The aim of this tutorial is to provide the background information, research challenges, architecture design, and security issues in the emerging Fog networking systems.
- Overview and Principles on Fog Networking
- Low Latency IoT Applications and Service Requirements in 5G Environments
- 5G Radio Access Network Design with Fog Paradigm
- Security Challenges and Solutions in IoT and Fog Networking Systems
- Example: System Architecture and Security Design in Vehicular Systems
Primary Audience
Fog networking is a promising approach to provide low-latency services. Low latency services and mission critical applications are the key 5G elements. In addition, fog networking examples in the context of vehicular networks will be discussed. With this tutorial, the audience will get basic understanding on the system architecture and security challenges/solutions. The tutorial is suitable for researchers, graduate students, and engineers in the industry.
Fog networking is an emerging topic. It will also play a key role in the coming 5G era. The low latency fog networking design will be useful in the future generation vehicular networks and intelligent transportation systems.
Hung-Yu Wei is currently a Professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering at National Taiwan University. He was a consulting member of the Acts and Regulation Committee of the National Communications Commission during 2008-2009. He actively participates in wireless communications standardization activities. He was the recipient of KT Li Young Researcher Award from ACM Taipei Chapter and IICM, CIEE Excellent Young Engineer Award and the NTU Excellent Teaching Award. Currently, he is the chair of IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Taipei Chapter. He also serves as an associate editor for IEEE IoT journal.
Dr. Tao Zhang, an IEEE Fellow and Cisco Distinguished Engineer, joined Cisco in 2012 as the Chief Scientist for Smart Connected Vehicles, and has since also been leading initiatives to develop strategies, architectures, technology, and eco-systems for the Internet of Things (IoT) and Fog Computing. Prior to Cisco, he was Chief Scientist and Director of Mobile and Vehicular Networking at Telcordia Technologies (formerly Bell Communications Research or Bellcore). For over 25 years, Tao has been in various technical and executive positions, directing research and product development in vehicular, mobile, and broadband networks and applications. He is serving on the Board of Governors and as the CIO of the IEEE Communications Society. He was a founding Board Director of the Connected Vehicle Trade Association (CVTA). He was a co-founder of the IEEE Communications Society Technical Sub-Committee on Vehicular Networks and Telematics Applications and served as its Chair from 2013 – 2015. He is a founding steering committee member of the IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing and the IEEE International Conference on Collaboration and Internet Computing. He is IEEE VTS Distinguished Lecturer.
Ai-Chun Pang is now Professor and the Director of the Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia (INM) in National Taiwan University. Her research interests include the design and analysis of wireless and multimedia networking. She is a co-author of the book Wireless and Mobile All-IP Networks published by Wiley. She received the Outstanding Teaching Award at NTU, the Investigative Research Award of Pan Wen Yuan Foundation, Wu Ta You Memorial Award of NSC, Excellent Young Engineer Award from CIEE. She also receives the Republic of China Distinguished Women Medal in 2009.
T9: Software-Defined Radio with GNU Radio: Theory and Application by Sofiane Bounaffaa, École de technologie supérieure (ETS); Francois Gagnon, ETS; Georges Kaddoum, ETS has been cancelled
T10: MtsyFVIkOimKoC
Presented by: Barnypok
Time: 13:30–17:00
Room: Fontaine H
AbG53H http://www.FyLitCl7Pf7ojQdDUOLQOuaxTXbj5iNG.comPrimary Audience
T12: Millimeter Wave Communications for Connected Vehicles
Presented by: Takayuki Shimizu (TOYOTA InfoTechnology Center), Robert W. Heath Jr. (University of Texas at Austin)
Time: 13:30–17:00
Room: Loungueuil
Abstract—Communication at millimeter wave (mmWave) frequencies is defining a new era of wireless communication. The mmWave band relieves spectral gridlock at lower frequencies by offering much higher bandwidth communication channels than presently used in commercial wireless systems. The next generation of wireless local area networks is exploiting the mmWave unlicensed band at 60 GHz to provide multi-gigabit-persecond data rates. There is also growing interest in using mmWave licensed spectrum for 5G cellular systems at other mmWave frequencies. The potential for mmWave is immense.
The large spectral channels at mmWave frequencies provide a means of achieving much higher data rates in vehicular communication systems. High data rates can be used for exchanging low-level sensing data (i.e., without much processing) or for infotainment applications to improve traffic safety and efficiency as well as user experience onboard.
This tutorial provides an overview of mmWave vehicular communication with an emphasis on results on channel measurements, the physical (PHY) layer, and the medium access control (MAC) layer. The main objective is to summarize key findings in each area, with special attention paid to identifying important topics of future research. In addition to surveying existing work, some new simulation results are also presented to give insights on the effect of directionality and blockage, which are the two distinguishing features of mmWave vehicular channels. A main conclusion is that given the renewed interest in high rate vehicle connectivity, many challenges remain in the design of a mmWave vehicular network.
- Introduction
- MmWave Communication Fundamentals
- Potential Applications of Gbps Vehicular Communications
- MmWave Vehicular Channel
- PHY Design for MmWave Vehicular Communications
- MAC Design for MmWave Vehicular Communications
- Understanding the Performance of MmWave Vehicular Networks
- Other Important Issues in MmWave Vehicular Communications
- Highlights of Recent MmWave Vehicular Communication Researches
Primary Audience
Takayuki Shimizu is a Researcher of TOYOTA InfoTechnology Center, U.S.A., Inc. (Toyota ITC US). Since he joined Toyota ITC US in 2012, he has been working on the research of wireless vehicular communications and the development of smart grid systems for plug-in electric vehicles. He received the B.E., M.E., and Ph.D. degrees from Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan, in 2007, 2009, and 2012, respectively. From 2009 to 2010, he was a visiting researcher at Stanford University, CA, USA. His current research interests include millimeter wave vehicular communication, vehicular communications for automated driving, and LTE/5G for vehicular applications. He is a co-author of the recently published NOW monograph entitled “Millimeter Wave Vehicular Communications: A Survey” published by NOW Publishers in 2016. He is a 3GPP standardization delegate in RAN WGs and SA1 WG. He is a member of the IEEE, IEICE, and SAE.
Robert W. Heath Jr. received the Ph.D. in EE from Stanford University. He is a Cullen Trust for Higher Education Endowed Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin and a Member of the Wireless Networking and Communications Group. He is also the President and CEO of MIMO Wireless Inc. Prof. Heath is a recipient of the 2012 Signal Processing Magazine Best Paper award, a 2013 Signal Processing Society best paper award, the 2014 EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing best paper award, and the 2014 Journal of Communications and Networks best paper award, the 2016 IEEE Communications Society Fred W. Ellersick Prize, and the IEEE Communications Society and Information Theory Society Joint Paper Award. He is a co-author of the book “Millimeter Wave Wireless Communications” published by Prentice Hall in 2014 and sole author of Digital Wireless Communication: Physical Layer Exploration Lab Using the NI USRP, National Technology and Science Press., 2012. He is a licensed Amateur Radio Operator, a registered Professional Engineer in Texas, and is a Fellow of the IEEE.