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Open Call For Special Issues

IEEE VTM welcomes the submission of proposals for special issues (SIs). An SI should address topics in one or more of the four fields of interest of VTS:

  • Mobile radio and wireless networks
  • Connected and automated vehicles
  • Automotive electronics
  • Land transportation systems

An SI must relate to one of these fields but does not necessarily need to include/focus on vehicular systems. For example, a proposal related to 6G systems and technologies can include an ítem on 6G for vehicular networks but the complete issues does not need to be focused on 6G for vehicular networks.

An SI must focus on a particular topic and should not be too broad, i.e., it should not cover an entire field of interest of the magazine. SIs should address relevant and emerging topics not already covered by the magazine in previous SIs (or with minimum or partial overlap).

Prospective guest editors (GEs) interested in organizing a special issue in VTM are invited to submit a proposal to the Editor-in-Chief (EiC) of VTM. The proposal must follow the Submission Guidelines.

Before submitting a proposal for an SI, prospective GEs should read the GE Guidelines. Submission of the proposal implies acceptance of all requirements published in these guidelines.

VTM currently publishes only 4 issues per year so the space available is limited (we also publish open call papers). We highly recommend that any team interested in organizing a special issue first contacts the EiC with a potential title, one or two paragraphs describing the topic of the special issue and the list of guest editors. The EiC will then provide in 1-2 weeks first feedback on whether the SI is in scope of the magazine, we have not covered the topic before, and whether we would be potentially interested in such a SI (this should not be understood as an acceptance of the SI proposal). The team of guest editors can then submit a full proposal following the submission guidelines. Proposals are evaluated by at least three members of the editorial board, including the EiC and the Senior Editor in charge of the area that best fits the proposal.

Please note that we receive a relevant number of proposals and we have only 4 issues per year. As a result, we cannot take decisions on proposals as they come or we will fill the space available fast. We collect proposals for 3-4 months and then evaluate them to select the highest quality proposals. Please take into account that from the start of the dissemination of a special issue until the publication of the special issue there is around 14 months (call for papers are open for at least 3 months, we have 2 review rounds of 2-4 months each, and materials must be available at the publisher around 4 months before the publication). As an estimate, we would collect proposals between September and December of year X to select a special issue for march year X+2. The selected special issue will open its call for papers in january year X+1. For a special issue in june year X+2, we will collect proposals between december of year X and march of year X+1. The selected special issue will open its call for papers in april of year X+1. These examples are just provided as an orientation to understand the timing involved and that decisions on SI proposals cannot be provided shortly after the team submits a proposal. The editorial board will provide exact timelines to selected special issues.

Please read both documents provided carefully and thank you for your interest in organizing a special issue for VTM. If you have any questions, please contact VTM EiC Prof. Javier Gozalvez (Universidad Miguel Hernandez de Elche, Spain)


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